WSMS Calendar of Events 2023
Regular events
Sat., Feb 25 International Plastic Modelers Society (IPMS) Old Dominion Open
Model Show, Richmond, VA http://ipmsrichmond.blogspot.com
Sat, April 15 National Capital Model Soldier Society Model Classic 2023
Fairfax High School, Fairfax, VA
Mon, May 22 National Maritime Day celebrated in Baltimore
Typically includes a Blue Angels flyover and open houses aboard
the USNS Savannah and liberty ship SS John W. Brown
Fri-Sun, June 16-18 35th Annual Antique and Classic Boat Festival,
Chesapeake Maritime Museum, St Michaels, MD
August Philadelphia Model Ship Society Modelcon, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
aboard USS new Jersey, Camden, NJ
Wed-Sat, Aug 2-5 International Plastic Modelers Society National Convention,
San Marcos, TX. Info: https://www.nats2023.com/
Sat, Sept 2 Charity Boat Auction, 11:00 am Chesapeake Maritime Museum,
St Michaels, MD
September Internat'l Plastic Modelers Society, PennCon Model Show, 9-5 pm
Gettysburg, PA
Sat, Sept National Capital Model Soldier Society Show, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Springfield, VA Hilton. For info: https://www.ncmssclub.org
October Evening cocktail reception and show, 6-8 pm Army-Navy Club,
Washington, DC.--Lou Husser making arrangements
Fri-Sun, Oct 27-29 Sultana Downrigging Weekend, show: 10m - 4 pm,
Chestertown, MD. Info: https://downrigging.org/
Sat, November 10th Annual Model Boat Show, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Oxford Community Center, Oxford, MD
Sun, May National Maritime Day celebrated in Baltimore harbor--
open house on NS Savannah and liberty ship John W. Brown
Blue Angels flight demonstration